How is Heart and Health different than a traditional multi-physician practice?
Heart and Health Medical is owned and operated by our physicians. Our Physicians have less administrative work with lower costs, liability, and expense of private practice. Heart and Health Medical Physicians are protected and leveraged as a group while maintaining independence of practice.
Does Heart and Health have a board of directors and what control do they have over my clients and practice?
Every physician at Heart and Health Medical is a shareholder in the company and provides input and feedback on the direction and execution of the company.
Does Heart and Health have a practice manager?
Yes, Heart and Health Medical has a practice manager who works side by side with the office manager at each location.
Is each physician assigned a medical assistant/nurse, is there a shared pool, or do I need to hire my own?
All medical staff and administrative employees are cross-trained to assist each physician, scheduled to ensure every physician has the assistance they need to run an efficient practice. One of the benefits of Heart and Health is the provided staffing.
Is billing done internally, or is it outsourced?
Heart and Health has an internal billing department to ensure proper collections and to provide weekly reporting and feedback.
What are the plans for integrated EHR?
Heart and Health has cutting edge EHR software that allows the physician to access client data from the office, home, or on the go.
Are there ongoing negotiations with major payers within the state?
Heart and Health administrative team is in constant negotiation with major payers to ensure our physicians receive proper compensation for their services.
Are there plans for practice mergers or integration with larger entities?
Where does the practice stand in the shifting continuum between traditional, fee-for-service practice and the integrated model with its associated quality and cost-effectiveness metrics?
Heart and Health Medical prioritizes updates to best practices within the shift in healthcare payment processing.
How does the practice plan to respond to reimbursement changes being implemented by CMS, the ACA, and the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA)?
Heart and Health Medical provides full support & personnel in providing the best medical treatment and complies with rapidly changing requirements and regulations